
Photo Challenge... Day 4

something GREEN

today's challenge was to photograph something green.
easy enough... there is green everywhere.

we made a quick trip to omaha this weekend.
i took a few pictures for my sister-in-law's family reunion.
the boys spent the morning painting with aunt tiff.
we ate lunch, shopped a little, had ice cream, played at the park,
and celebrated both jace and tiffany's june birthdays.

there were lots of green things around...
grass and trees, scott's shirt,
a green turtle/frog/dinosaur ride thing-y at the park,
green interstate signs, lights, and state park maps,
green, green, blah, green...

still... nothin'

on the way home i was handing back crackers, sippy cups,
tractors, books, more crackers, jaron's favorite blanket,
jace's black bear and...

jace's comfy GREEN pillow

it's GREEN!
not because his room is green
it's green because it's the match to MY comfy green pillow
scott and i splurged on these sheets when we got married
they are still the sheets we sleep on today
i LOVE them...

anyway... back to the pillow...
i'm not sure when it started

i think jace was having a hard time getting to sleep.
i told him that he could borrow my
if he thought it would help him sleep

he thought he'd give it a try and
sleeping with mom's pillow did the trick!
mom's comfy GREEN pillow

he still calls it mom's pillow
and he smiles every time he says it!
(almost like he's getting away with taking it)

he sleeps with it every night
takes it to the couch when he's sick
drags it in the car on road trips
watches cartoons on my bed with it
reads books on top of it
lays on it in the bathroom closet (on the second shelf up) while i get ready
pretty much takes it anywhere he wants to be

lots of kids have special "comfort things"
a lily, a blanket, a bear, a pacifier...

has a comfy GREEN pillow

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