
Photo Challenge... Day 5

from a high angle

we had a little get together tonight.
we celebrated daddies and jace turning three.
there were lots of little kiddos and a picnic in the front yard.

i got as HIGH as i could... i should have climbed up on the roof.
it doesn't look crazy high...
but it was high enough.
proof of how high i was???
check out the girlie in the bottom right corner!
SHE thought i was high, and tonight...
that's all that counts!


Chelsea said...

bwahahahahah!!! i thought you were crazy high too!! and i would have thought you were just plain crazy if you got on the roof... well maybe you would have been crazy cool! either way... this pic is adorable and i must have a copy! LOVE IT! and love jace for turning three so we had a reason to have a fun fun par-tay!!

Danielle said...

you are very creative! i'm pretty sure you get the award for the highest angle and most crazy! :) just kidding about the crazy part! looks like jace's party was a hit! so sorry we couldn't make it!