
Photo Challenge... Day 16

long exposure


Jami Nato said...

Love this! Maybe I'll finally try this on fourth of July...

Chelsea said...

that is really cool! and omgosh!!!! Jamie Nato just commented on your blog!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!

Stephanie said...

ok... I'm jealous. you make it look so easy. these look great. i am in awe of scott's perfect circle.

I tried to do s + t = <3 but only got as far as s. + doesn't work so well with this. and now that I think about it, the = wouldn't work so hot either... it would look more like "not equal to." and I couldn't do the heart fast enough by myself. having Tim help would have made a big difference, but he didn't want to go outside because it was hot and he would get eaten alive by bugs :(

we are staying home for the 4th. it looks like we're going to BBQ with Mike & Jenn. hope you guys have a great holiday!

Cassie said...

i know, chels! that is what i was thinking too!! i'm a stalker of jami natos blog! :) really cool pics, kim! how'd you do that?

Danielle said...

those pictures are fun and amazing kim!!! happy 4th of july!

Kim said...

jami... you should! :) thanks so much for leaving a comment... seriously... you should have seen me gushing! you're a celebrity! ;)

chels... um ya! seriously! she's SOO cool! ;)

steph... ha! i'll tell scott. he'll be proud. i had to DRAG him out there... but then i think he kinda enjoyed it!

cassi... her blog is SO fun to read. i'm constantly laughing OUT.LOUD! we used a really low shutter speed and the automatic timer. hope you guys are well!

danielle... thanks deary. see you in the morning!
