
Photo Challenge... Day 17


most days my computer is open.  all day.  everyday.  it's kind of a sick addiction.
email.  skype.  pictures.  blogs.  pinterest.
it's just nice to have a little "window" to the outside world.

pinterest is one of my latest and favoritist.
it allows you to "pin" most anything you see on-line.
you then get to pick which "board" (category) you want to "pin" 
your wonderful find to.
then you can go back later and visually see what you've pinned.
so much easier than going through bookmarks trying to find that
recipe, craft or cute pair of capris.
PLUS you can see what your friends and random others have pinned.
i (heart) pinterest!

my phone.  it goes most places with me.
if i don't have it i feel like i'm missing something.
not quite like if i'm missing my wedding ring... 
but it's a close second.  ;)
(tonight it was telling me that it's supposed to storm, 
i'm not sure how accurate that is... but the clouds and lightening are cute!)

and then there's skype.
i've decided that i need to go on a computer "fast".
i think i'd get a lot more done around the house!
the exception would be skype.
can you have an exception if you're doing a fast?
i have a running conversation with chelsea on skype.
(our husbands think it's hilarious/crazy because we live...
well... our front doors are 50 yards from each other... literally!)
we talk about how crazy our kids are, 
send each other pictures of the dust that we've swept into a pile on our floor, 
links of yummy food, fun craft ideas, 
and randomness.
it's definitely an outlet for me.
(plus BONUS conversations with danielle and my mom when they're around...
AND jace loves to video chat with aunt tif and papa!)

tonight after i put jaron's jammies on, he disappeared.
i found him sitting at the kitchen table (this kids a climber)...
doing a little blogging of his own!

he had left you this little message ----------> mmmmmhgggg 

(i think that spells... goodnight)


Danielle said...

i love chatting on skype...a wonderful way to break up the day...esp when i see you like once a month here lately! that needs to change!!!

Kim said...

um. ya. girls' night. ASAP!