
friends & creepers

when i was teaching i followed two different blogs.  it was the "beginning of blog-world" for me.  a friend of mine followed the same two blogs and we would often chat about these ladies and their lives as we stood in the hallway waiting for kids in the morning, over lunch, and throughout the school day.  we often laughed when people asked who we were talking about.  it's awkward to say, "oh, this family that we've never met, blah, blah, blah."  their lives sparked conversation between the two of us that we might not have had otherwise... a strain of faith, grace, and a love for the Lord ran through both of these ladies' lives and it was something that the two of us desired as well.  i think we both found encouragement, humor, and LIFE in the midst of their writings and in the midst of our friendship... at least i know i did... i pray she did too.

now that i stay at home i have a bit more time to spend clickin' on the lives of strangers.  it's so fun to read hil-ar-ious stories about other people's kids (only because i can TOTALLY relate most of the time), be encouraged by other's victories, and pray through other's struggles.  PLUS... to be totally honest... it's fun to look at pictures, check out cute houses, and escape into another world... even if it's just for a few minutes during nap time (or, quite frankly, a few minutes while i should be doing laundry, cleaning, spending time teaching my 3 year old the alphabet).

there are a few blogs that i check often just to see if maybe they've posted recently.  i "follow" them for different reasons.  lots of them because i KNOW THEM and love them... and love reading their stuff.  some because they are stinkin' hilarious and i can't wait to read more... some because their lives model truth and are an encouragement... some because they've (& these guys too) adopted and that's close to my heart... lots because they love photography and do cute projects... and some because they have an amazing way with words... others i follow... just cause... well... cause i can.

i feel like i know lots of these ladies personally and yet... i NEVER click FOLLOW or leave a COMMENT.  i just creep on (yes creep... thank you lauren... i will forever think of myself as a creeper!) and creep off.  never even introducing myself.  i guess i just always assume that they don't care or even want to know who is reading. so... today... i'm going to leave a comment... or click follow.. and YOU should do the SAME!

if you're one of the THREE people reading my blog (mom, you don't have to leave a comment) leave a comment, say hello, click follow... let me know you're OUT THERE! :)  AND if you got HERE from someone else's blog (like on of the ladies... [kara, danielle, chelsea, rutheah, steph, amy]  doing the 30 Day Photo Challenge with me) CLICK BACK and leave a comment for them!!!  we would ALL LOVE to hear from you!


lauren said...

you are a creeeeeper. ;) but it could be worse you could be a peeper.. i am not sure the difference but obviously the peeper is worse. ;) you knonw i'm reading and keeping you honest... PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON!! sheesh.. :)
ps.. i'm in camp humor mode.
ob-vi-ous-ly. :)

lauren said...

ummm.. i would just like to add tht my word verification was hussi. i'm offended.

Brooke said...

hey there pretty lady!!! i "think" that person you spoke of in the 1st paragraph might be me....hmm!! i do miss those days!! and just so you know, reading your blog makes me feel a little less far away from "home"!!! MISS YOU Kim!!! thanks for the laughs!! :)

rutheah rodehorst said...

this made me laugh! i am a creeper too...the only person who's blog i feel brave enough to comment on is ashley's. only because i feel like i kind of know her. but i like your challenge...i will leave a comment on a new blog today. :)

Stephanie said...

When I realized that you AND Chelsea AND Jenn AND Rachel AND Cassie all had blogs, I realized I was the only married cousin in the bunch that didn't have a blog (this was before Brenda and Chad were married, and way before Emily, too). So I guess I can blame my blog on you.

It is fun to follow your girls' blogs, because its a good way to keep in touch, since I am far away from you all. But I'm closer than I used to be! I know this is silly but I feel like we have more of a connection since we both blog :)

ps- thanks for following my blog. I get so excited when I have a new follower, and I think you even beat Kelly (my own sister!) at officially following my blog.

Wendi said...

I can so relate to this post! I think I feel like I know you girls better than I do because I follow your blogs :) I always enjoy reading what you have to say and seeing your pictures. The 30 day photo challenge is so fun...one of these days maybe I'll blog more regularly!

Kim said...

thanks for the comments ladies. it's fun to know that a few people are out there reading the blog. i CLICK on YOUR blogs almost daily... just to make sure i'm not missin' out on anything exciting! cause... that would just be a shame. ;) loves!

lauren... i am a creeper. on lots of blogs. i'll probably continue to be too. but now i'll be a creeper that leaves a comment every once in awhile. :) and about the word verification... eek! sorry... totally not meant for you! ;)

brooke... it was fun to hear from you! hope you guys are all doing well. miss you LOTS! i peeked at some of your picts of the girlies on FB... they are SO adorable! growing up too fast.

rutheah... it is SO fun to feel like we kinda "know" her. what a fun trip that was! i learned so much... we might have to take a yearly road trip somewhere!

steph... it does help make people feel closer... and it's neat to read about everyone's "everyday" since we don't see each other much. it's fun to read about your adventures. i also like that tim posts. i think i need to get scott to post a couple of times. ;) enjoy your weekend!

wendi... thanks so much for the comment! it's such a nice break from the everyday (getting on and reading about other's worlds). we also get the inside scoop on you guys from stacy! :) your girlies are so sweet! you should do the 30 day photo challenge. it's been fun JUST for the fact that it gives me something to post about. i think after this i'll be good until... um... december?

Amy Jo said...

I'm a creeper too! Thanks for such an awesome blog for me to waist my time on:-)