
30 Day Photography Challenge

White Peach Photo

I ran across this 30 Day Photography Challenge while browsing on *Pinterest.

*side note on pinterest... um... i LOVE it! you should definitely check it out... if you want an invitation you can either sign up on-line and wait a couple of days until they send you one OR you can email me and i'll send you one!

Anyway, back to the challenge. I re-pinned it from a friend and didn't think much about it.

Then another friend of mine said we should DO this!


There's a concept. Look at something. Think, "Oh that looks like fun." AND THEN...
here's the tricky part...
actually do it!

I'm not so good at the actual DOING part (i.e. the once a season blog posts, constant struggle with my quiet times, 3 baskets of laundry to put away, and running a 5k).

So... we are going to do it! If you want to join (you know WHO you are!)... it might be kinda fun!

Oh... and we are starting TOMORROW (the actual one started June 1... oops)!

Happy shooting!

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