
Photo Challenge... Day 1

so. here it is. day one of photo challenge. and... you guess it! i'm already slackin'. i told ya. the "actually" doing stuff is tough for me. i'm not sure what that says about my personality... but i'm pretty sure... it's not good! the fact that the challenge is to TAKE A SELF PORTRAIT might have something to do with my lack of enthusiasm.

anyway... it's 10:13. i'm just now accomplishing a few of the things on my list that should have been done MUCH earlier! one of those things is my bible study. humor me as i take a slight detour from the photo challenge... ha! and prolong the inevitable just a bit longer!

right now a friend and i are reading through lysa terkeurst's "becoming more than a good bible study girl". i've been slacking on that too. we started the first week in june. i'm a little behind. but. i'm doing it and hopefully... will start to do it on a more regular basis! tonight when i was reading she was talking about that VERY thing... our daily time with God. she writes, "a daily battle is being fought for our attention and our devotion. satan would love nothing more than to keep us seperated from the power God gives us during our time with Him. it's time to stop feeling GUILTY and ILL-EQUIPPED and start embracing the incredible privilege to meet with Jesus every day. remember, devotions don't have to be perfect to be powerful, and effective. Jesus just wants a willing soul to come to Him..."

what a good reminder that we don't have to be in the perfect spot, at the perfect time, in the perfect mood to meet Jesus. he takes us JUST.AS.WE.ARE... tired, cranky, stressed, hurt, depressed, and messy. i'm have to admit that i spent more time this evening trying to figure out the perfect "self-portriat" (how to focus, where to set the camera, how not to cut my head off, where to take it, how to smile, and blah, blah, blah) then i actually did on my bible study. i was more worried about "appearing" put together than actually just BEING.

so... with that said... you ARE getting a self-portriat. BUT... it's not perfect. it's tired, a little cranky, slightly stressed, kinda sad and well... a messy me. goodness. that sounds depressing... betchur SUPER excited to see the picts now... ha! hopefully i meet tomorrow's challenge with a little more zest! enjoy!

on a fun sidenote... some very special girlies (kara, danielle, and chelsea) are doing this challenge too! you should hop over and check them out... they're all adorable!

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

i love these "real life" photos! this is going ot be fun.. i look forward to reading each of the blogs now since we are all posting something similar!