
Jace Michael,

You are two today! Can you believe it? We have been saying that you are going to BE two for quite some time now (so much so, that when people ask you how old you are, you tell them "i be 2"). You are growing into quite the young man and your dad and I are so proud of you. You are constantly making us laugh and keep us on our toes! Your smiles are contagious and maybe even a little ornery.
We LOVE you more than we ever thought possible and can't wait to see what God has in store for your life. We are confident that His plan is perfect for you and are excited to see how He works through your life. This past week has taught us so much about the importance of the legacy we will leave for our children... the example that we are to YOU. Things that we do now can and will IMPACT you for the rest of your life and we PRAY that our example is a Godly one.
We love you and wish you a very, very HAPPY second birthday!

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