
Happy Birthday Grandma!

I can't believe it has been two years since we said goodbye to my Grandma. In some ways it seems like it was just yesterday... in other ways it feels like forever. I wish we were *CeLeBrAtInG* her birthday today. When I mentioned it to Scott he reminded me that since she has now experienced Heaven... she would have nothing to do with a celebration here on earth and that she is most definitely *CeLeBrAtInG* (and most likely NOT because it's her birthday)! What an AmAzInG way to be *CeLeBrAtInG*! So, I guess instead of *CeLeBrAtInG* another year of her life here on earth... we really SHOULD be having an even BIGGER *CeLeBrAtIoN* because of where she is spending ETERNITY. Well then... I just might have to bake a cake! Love you Grandma!!!

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