
Keeping the Faith

It is hard to believe that it has been an entire year since my Grandma went home to be with the Lord! It's been an incredibly emotional year for our entire family (to say the least).

We all miss Grandma dearly and wish so much to listen to another story, ask for another piece of advice, or open another letter.

Over the past year I have heard countless times that "my loved one" is looking down on me. I have thought about this comment and can't help but think... "my Grandma is not looking down on me, she is dancing at the feet of Jesus and worshiping our Almighty Savior!" She is not focused on what she is missing here on Earth. Even in her last moments on Earth she was focusing on Heaven. She wasn't concerned with tomorrow, with Earthly things, or even about the loved ones she was leaving behind. When she was told that the flowers outside her window were beautiful... she simply stated, "I think the flowers in heaven will be even more beautiful."

Colossians 3 tells us to, "set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." All too often I am focused only on the "here and now", only on acquiring Earthly possessions and keeping up with society's "ideals" for my life. Colossians goes on to tell us that because we are Christians, our new and real life is now hidden with Christ and we will live with Him in Glory one day. When you put it that way... how can we be focused on anything BUT Heaven!

I watched my Grandma live out her faith. I pray that my focus will be on Christ and on Heavenly things, on developing Godly characteristics as a wife, mother, daughter, and friend. I pray that because of Christ, her legacy will live on through her family and that our focus will be on the things of Christ and of Heaven... not of this world.

Even though she is greatly missed...
we KNOW that she is spending ETERNITY worshiping and praising the King of Glory!

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
2 Timothy 4:7


Chelsea said...

beautiful post!

Cassie said...

Well said, Kim!! Well said!

The Simonsons said...

Kim...you always have a way of putting things into perspective! I know that whenever I need someone to put my mind back where it should be I can count on you!! You truly are an amazing friend!! Thank you! :)