
dear jace,

happy four years!  i always hear people say, "i can't believe you're already _____ years old!  just seems like yesterday..."  it does feel that way at times.  i can remember that point in our lives vividly... anxiously awaiting our little boy and feeling scared to death about being first time parents.  you surprised us and made a grand entrance 9 days early.  it was probably a good thing you came that way... you were just preparing me for all of the other times that things just weren't going to "happen according to kim's plan".

we thought you were the cutest baby EVER and couldn't believe they just let us leave the hospital with you.  your dad drove so slowly.  i remember him being nervous about you being in the backseat of the car he was driving.  ha!  oh the days.  now he tears around on the four-wheeler with you and is crazy just because he likes to hear you laugh!  he even lets you drive sometimes... that's enough to make a mom nuts!

a lot has happened in your four years.  it's not just you anymore... you spend your days being a big brother to jaron and soon enough you'll be a big brother times two.  we've moved out of town.  i don't think you even remember being a "town" kid.  ;)  you love the "farm" life and i wouldn't pick anything else for you at this point.  i get to stay home with you EVERY DAY now!  that was a big change.  you spent your first years with a working mommy and daddy.  now you get  to be with me pretty much 24/7... lucky duck you!  ;)

all of that... in just your four years.

on the other hand... it seems like much longer then four years.  i can't remember much before you.  we joke about what we "did with our time" before kiddos.  most of my life was without kiddos.  yet...  most of my life started after having you.  that sounds like a jumbled mess... but someday you'll understand.

you've taught me so much in the last four years.  taught me what it means to love at a new level.  taught me about patience (and especially about how much i need to work in that area of my life!).  you have challenged me and pushed me out of my "i like things organized and in a certain order" box.  you are continually teaching me about boys and how they operate (although... i'm not sure i'll ever fully understand).    i love you and am thankful (most days) for how you are growing me.  because of you... i want to be a better mommy and a better wife.  i want to be an example for you and to you.  i love you.

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