
Photo Challenge... Day 13

yourself with 13 things

i should have taken this picture at the pool yesterday like chelsea did. 
or on the way there... like kara.
13 things... swimming pool... PRIME opportunity.

but i didn't. 

then last night i was going to snap a picture of us at dinner (there were at least 13 things on the table, i counted).  then scott said, "don't do that, do something creative, isn't that the point?!?"

seriously... who asked him anyway?!?!

so... i didn't take a picture at dinner either.

it's today.  my post is late.
i still have ZERO creativity.
well... scratch that.
i have SOME creativity... 
and ZERO energy or motivation.
it's one of those days.

i picked up my camera.
set the self-timer.
and parked myself in the midst of my our mess!

1&2 (boys)
3 (blocks for building... strewn ALL over the floor!)
4 (basketball) 
5 (tripod, i got it out to take a "better" picture... 
then realized the part the fastens to my camera is in scott's car, so much for that thought)
6 (jaron's bowl of cereal)
7 (pjs on end table, need to be put away!)
8 (jaron's water bottle, it's behind the basketball, you can just believe me)
9 (lamp)
10 (end table)
11 (tv remote on floor)
12 (jace's green tractor)
13 (more blocks... seriously this was HARDER than it should have been!)

and now, as i type, blocks are being THROWN across the house.  
it's time to be a big girl and face this mess!

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