
this summer we...

  • played with friends
  • got dirty
  • splashed in the water
  • laid in the grass
  • went to the swimming pool
  • rode down the slide... fast!
  • played in the sand
  • got a suntan
  • took a nap in the shade
  • worked on being a big brother
  • enjoyed being a little brother
  • did a lot of laughing... and some crying too
  • took a vacation
  • spent some time on the water
  • went tubing
  • first boat ride (for jaron)
  • learned to roll over
  • started to smile
  • slept through the night (a few times)
  • stole mom and dad's hearts
  • celebrated a 2nd birthday
  • moved into underwear
  • learned how to drive
  • did & loved all things farm

  • roasted marshmallows
  • found Waldo
  • skinny dipped
  • missed daddy
  • ran a race
  • went to the zoo
  • spent time with Great Grandpa... & Great Grandma
  • looked at trains
  • hung out at the fairs

  • ate mulberries
  • took a nap (or two)
  • went for a walk
  • had a good laugh

  • blew bubbles
  • spent time with family
  • hung out with old friends
  • & made new friends

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