
A Quick Update

Yikes! It's already March! I can't believe how fast the past 3 months have flown by. It seems like we were just preparing for Christmas last week. I'm sure most of you feel the same way. Life doesn't seem to stop or even slow down very often. Things in our world have been pretty low key and uneventful... but I thought I'd post a quick update... just in case you were wondering.

Even though a lot of our Christmas plans were put on hold due to the large amounts of snow in Central and Eastern Nebraska, we were still able to enjoy a lot of family time!

A little Merry Christmas from Jace!

Jace and dad enjoying the view of snow from the front window.
There is nothing like a WHITE Christmas!

Jace has really developed a fondness for his dad! He wants to do everything JUST like Scott!
It is so fun to see their relationship grow.

Again, wanting to be JUST like dad.

We moved Jace into his new bedroom in December. He has adjusted to his "big-boy" bed very well. He is growing into such a boy! This was his first night in his new room.

Along with growing into a little boy comes A LOT of bumps, bruises, tears, and owies.
This was Jace's first black eye... I am sure it won't be his last!

We were able to spend one of my days off visiting the Ostrand Farm this past month. Jace and Elli were able to play with the cutest puppies who were just their size.

Kory was so kind to Jace!
He let him drive the tractor, gave him a tour of the farm, and introduced him to so many animals. We are so blessed to have friends who love our little man! Jace definitely looks up to them (and might even have a slight crush on Danielle) and we are so thankful for their friendship! Thanks for the fun day!

Kory and Jace feeding the cows.

This picture was taken within 5 miles of leaving the Ostrand Farm! They were a tired little pair!

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