

i've noticed lots of lists as of late... and anyone who knows me... knows i love lists! so, i decided to make one of my own!

things i'm thankful for...
-the confidence i have in my LORD and savior! thankful that no matter how wretched i am... he loves me! loves me unconditionally and completely! how can you not be THANKFUL for that!
-my husband... he works hard, supports our family, is an amazing father, and makes me laugh constantly. i'm especially thankful that he also loves me on my good days, and on my "not so good" days.
-my son and his adorable smile, adventurous spirit, and warm hugs
-a healthy pregnancy and the joy and anticipation of a baby boy or girl... arriving in April
-my family and how they are a constant encouragement to me and for the example they have set in their desire to love the lord.
-our church body and how the TRUTH is taught and maturity is an expectation
-friends... old friends and new friends... thankful that they hold me accountable, are constant companions for all adventures, that i can talk to at a moments notice, who laugh and cry with me, who make the daily grind slightly more bearable
-so many more things... thankful for a warm house to come home to... clothes to wear... and yummy food to eat WHICH is where i am off to... cleaning, laundry, preparing food!

hoping each of you are having a wonderful thanksgiving and are surrounded by people whom you LOVE and are THANKFUL for!

Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Ps. 100:4-5

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