
1 Today!

I can hardly believe it! He is one! It seems impossible that ONE year ago we were welcoming our little boy into the world. Oh my! Where does the time go... Scott and I have learned so much over the past year. Being parents has been the hardest (and by FAR most rewarding!) job either of us have taken on. Last night at dinner Scott was explaining to Jace that he was going to be one today. He excitedly told Jace, "you survived your first year!" I giggled and told Scott... "more importantly, WE survived his first year!"

On my way to work today (yes... working... in the summer... and on Jace's birthday... boo!) I was thinking about how BLESSED our little family has been this past year! It seems like every time I turn around there is another young family that is having to endure a difficult time. Families that are dealing with the loss of little ones, struggling with sick children, making incredibly tough decisions as parents, or even the pain of waiting to see if there ever will be a little one. My heart just aches for these families.

We are very THANKFUL that we have yet to endure any "tragedies". We are so THANKFUL that Jace has been a healthy, energetic, and happy little boy. His laugh makes us laugh, his smile makes us smile, and his tears break our hearts!!! We do understand that hard times are inevitable BUT... rest in the knowledge that CHRIST is in CONTROL of both the GOOD TIMES and the not so good times.

We celebrate Jace's birthday today and look forward to many more HAPPY birthdays with our little man! Thank you to those of you that have lifted our family up in prayers over the past year! We have so much to be THANKFUL for as we celebrate our little one!

I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O MOST HIGH. Psalm 9:1-2

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