
Just a Random Post

I don't have anything specific to say... life just seems to be truckin' along... and not waiting for me to catch up! So, here are some recent picts of Jace and his adventures. Hopefully we will have some 9 month pictures to share soon- can you believe it... 9 months tomorrow!

I am pretty sure we tried having laundry basket races in college (ohh the "Garden Level" days)... but I doubt they were as much fun as the ones that have taken place in our living room the past few weeks.

We have tried for YEARS to get Morgan or Bentley to sit still while they hold a treat on their nose... 9 months and he has it mastered! Wooohooo!

Crawling all over the place has it's disadvantages. Jace seems to think that the linoleum in the kitchen is too hard for his little knees so... he ONLY bear crawls across hard surfaces.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Love the pictures, Kim! Can't believe how big he is getting. It flies by doesn't it?!