
A Little Sick... and Very Tired

Jace has had quite a week. Sunday morning we realized that he wasn't acting like his usual, cheerful self. We decided that our 4 1/2 hour morning at church wasn't such a good idea for our, overly tired and a bit crabby, little boy. Jace and I decided to stay home and wait until he felt a bit better... then we would get back to our Sunday routine. Well, Jace had other plans. Instead of starting to feel better... he slowly started to feel and look worse. He was incredibly tired, running a fever, had no appetite, and just plain sick!
Sunday afternoon nap with dad.

It was time to see a doctor, instead of waiting until Monday we decided to take him to the nearest Urgent Care. We found out that he had an ear infection and (later that evening) RSV. We have had a few little friends with RSV so it wasn't a surprise that it was our turn... even though we thought we had dodged it!
Still a little sick!

That was Sunday... today, Thursday, we are starting to see quite a bit of our regular Jace-chatting, crawling, climbing, and smiling.
Finally waking up with a smile!

It's been an interesting week and anything but routine. We are so thankful to both have jobs that are understanding of our roles as mom and dad! I have enjoyed spending the majority of the week with Jace (even if he was a little "under the weather") and have had the opportunity to get some early spring cleaning done!
Spring cleaning with mom!

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